The Grapetree Area Property Owners Association (GAPOA) was formed in 1986 to assist property owners with neighborhood issues including road maintenance, beach cleanup, and development management. The GAPOA is funded through the annual assessments from its members, representing over three-hundred properties within the Association. The GAPOA is managed by an all-volunteer group of member-elected property owners.
The purpose of the GAPOA and its collection of assessments is to maintain the roads and beaches, represent the property owners’ interests, and to uphold the covenants and restrictions applicable to the five estates; North Slob, North Grapetree, South Slob, South Grapetree, and Turner Hole. The GAPOA promotes neighbors coming together to share in the enjoyment of owning property in America’s easternmost paradise!
Please help us keep our neighborhood special by paying your GAPOA annual assessments on time, volunteering to serve, and working with your neighbors to improve your piece of paradise. You’re an important part of our community and we appreciate your participation. Afterall, it’s the people that make a neighborhood special. As one famous Welsh proverb says, “A little among neighbors is worth more than riches in a wilderness.”
GAPOA Uniqueness and Extensiveness
by Rob Bidelspacher
- The Association encompasses major portions of five Danish surveyed and named estates which include North Grapetree, North Slob, South Grapetree, South Slob and Turner Hole, consisting of over 300 plots owned by approximately 500 to 1000 people (if counting owners and their families).
- The Association is made up of over a dozen subdivisions emanating from a number of different developing entities spanning many decades since the 1950’s. All have common elements in their chain of title with similar provisions in their deed histories.
- Covering some 4 miles of beach and coastal frontage, Association estates line both the North and South shores of St. Croix.
- The Association’s estates include 7 distinct watershed areas covering almost 1000 acres with varying terrain at elevations ranging from sea level to almost 700 feet.
- The Association manages and maintains more than 7 miles of existing private roads and accompanying drainage systems.
- The Association’s estates are adjacent to The Nature Conservancy’s extensive holdings of Jack and Issacs Bay, the VI Territorial Park Lands of Cramer Park, the U. S. Government owned Point Udall, and all is surrounded by the newly designated and now operational Virgin Island East End National Marine Park.
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What is a Property Owners Association (POA)?
Simply put, POAs are organizations that seek to improve the communities they’re charged with governing.
POAs can be incorporated or unincorporated and they are formed for the purpose of managing a development that consists of lots. POAs tend to be more remote geographically and recreational in nature. POAs generally start out with empty lots adjacent to an amenity such as a lake, ski area or even… the Caribbean Sea. Lot owners build vacation homes on their lots so they can enjoy the amenities. Over time, more and more owners begin to live full time within the development. When this occurs, the nature of the development changes and it becomes more of a homeowners association and less of a property owners association, although they often retain the same name.